Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and sports participation in adults with congenital heart diseaseJonathan Buber, Keri Shafer
4 July 2019
Long-term mortality and cardiovascular burden for adult survivors of coarctation of the aortaMelissa G Y Lee, Sonya V Babu-Narayan, Aleksander Kempny, Anselm Uebing, Claudia Montanaro, Darryl F Shore, Yves d’Udekem, Michael A Gatzoulis
28 March 2019
Intracardiac mass in a 66-year-old womanWei Zhang, Fei Pei, Junzhe Wan
28 March 2019
Heart or heart-lung transplantation for patients with congenital heart disease in EnglandKonstantinos Dimopoulos, Kavitha Muthiah, Rafael Alonso-Gonzalez, Nicholas Robert Banner, Stephen J Wort, Lorna Swan, Andrew Harry Constantine, Michael A Gatzoulis, Gerhard Paul Diller, Aleksander Kempny
12 January 2019
Twenty-three year-old with pleuritic chest painKarina P Gopaul, Helen M Parry, Damien Cullington
4 September 2018
Pulmonary valve stenosis in the adult patient: pathophysiology, diagnosis and managementEmily Ruckdeschel, Yuli Y Kim
18 October 2018
Acute-onset abdominal pain in a woman in her 30sRory O’Donohoe, Samantha Fitzsimmons, Timothy J C Bryant
4 September 2018
Impaired right ventricular reserve predicts adverse cardiac outcomes in adults with congenital right heart diseaseDoreen DeFaria Yeh, Ada C Stefanescu Schmidt, Aaron S Eisman, John D Serfas, Mariam Naqvi, Mohamed A Youniss, Aaron D Ryfa, Asaad A Khan, Lucy Safi, Sara R Tabtabai, Ami B Bhatt, Gregory D Lewis
20 July 2018
Causes of death in a contemporary adult congenital heart disease cohortChristopher Yu, Benjamin M Moore, Irina Kotchetkova, Rachael L Cordina, David S Celermajer
17 April 2018
Social isolation and loneliness as risk factors for myocardial infarction, stroke and mortality: UK Biobank cohort study of 479 054 men and womenChristian Hakulinen, Laura Pulkki-Råback, Marianna Virtanen, Markus Jokela, Mika Kivimäki, Marko Elovainio
27 March 2018