Strategies for thromboprophylaxis in Fontan circulation: a meta-analysisTarek Alsaied, Said Alsidawi, Catherine C Allen, Jenna Faircloth, Joseph S Palumbo, Gruschen R Veldtman
28 August 2015
A 42-year-old woman collapses in a parkMeghan K Borden Trojan, Sandeep M Patel, Stephen C Cook
9 June 2015
Prevalence of atrial tachyarrhythmia in adults after Fontan operationEmily Quinton, Peter Nightingale, Lucy Hudsmith, Sara Thorne, Howard Marshall, Paul Clift, Joseph de Bono
19 August 2015
Long-term outcomes and risk factors for aortic regurgitation after discrete subvalvular aortic stenosis resection in childrenSarah S Pickard, Alon Geva, Kimberlee Gauvreau, Pedro J del Nido, Tal Geva
3 August 2015
Prevalence of cerebral and pulmonary thrombosis in patients with cyanotic congenital heart diseaseA S Jensen, L Idorn, C Thomsen, P von der Recke, J Mortensen, K E Sørensen, U Thilén, E Nagy, K F Kofoed, S R Ostrowski, L Søndergaard
5 June 2015
Dyspnoea on exertion in a 15-year-old boyRakesh Jain, Kader Muneer, Sajeev C G
7 May 2015
Liver stiffness measurements for evaluation of central venous pressure in congenital heart diseasesZakaria Jalal, Xavier Iriart, Victor De Lédinghen, Thomas Barnetche, Jean-Baptiste Hiriart, Julien Vergniol, Juliette Foucher, Jean-Benoit Thambo
17 June 2015
Relationship of cerebral blood flow to aortic-to-pulmonary collateral/shunt flow in single ventriclesMark A Fogel, Christine Li, Felice Wilson, Tom Pawlowski, Susan C Nicolson, Lisa M Montenegro, Laura Diaz Berenstein, Thomas L Spray, J William Gaynor, Stephanie Fuller, Marc S Keller, Matthew A Harris, Kevin K Whitehead, Robert Clancy, Okan ElciSee the full list of authors
5 June 2015
Late outcomes in adults with coarctation of the aortaP Choudhary, C Canniffe, D J Jackson, D Tanous, K Walsh, D S Celermajer
25 March 2015
Incidence and predictors of cardiac catheterisation-related arterial thrombosis in childrenBarbara Brotschi, Maja I Hug, Oliver Kretschmar, Mattia Rizzi, Manuela Albisetti
23 January 2015