Comprehensive imaging in patients with suspected pulmonary arterial hypertensionSimina Crisan, Ruxandra-Maria Baghina, Silvia Ana Luca, Alina-Ramona Cozlac, Alina-Gabriela Negru, Cristina Vacarescu, Mihai-Andrei Lazar, Constantin-Tudor Luca, Dan Gaita
18 July 2023
Ebstein’s anomaly in children and adults: multidisciplinary insights into imaging and therapyGiulia Pasqualin, Antonio Boccellino, Massimo Chessa, Giuseppe Ciconte, Cecilia Marcolin, Emanuele Micaglio, Carlo Pappone, Francesco Sturla, Alessandro Giamberti
24 July 2023
Management of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathySayed Al-Aidarous, Alexandros Protonotarios, Perry M Elliott, Pier D Lambiase
11 July 2023
Antithrombotic therapy after heart valve intervention: review of mechanisms, evidence and current guidanceAnn Cheng, Christopher Malkin, Norman Paul Briffa
12 July 2023
Clinically significant myocardial bridgingBarbara A Danek, Kathleen Kearney, Zachary L Steinberg
21 June 2023
Regional variations in heart failure: a global perspectiveVidhushei Yogeswaran, Danelle Hidano, Andrea E Diaz, Harriette G C Van Spall, Mamas A Mamas, Gregory A Roth, Richard K Cheng
23 June 2023
Relationship between the aortic root and the atrioventricular conduction axisRobert H Anderson, Diane E Spicer, Damián Sánchez-Quintana, Yolanda Macias, Samir Kapadia, Justin T Tretter
3 July 2023
Burden and prognostic impact of cardiovascular disease in patients with cancerZahra Raisi-Estabragh, Charlotte H Manisty, Richard K Cheng, Teresa Lopez Fernandez, Mamas A Mamas
15 June 2023
Update on advanced interventional neuromodulatory approaches to lower blood pressureMarcio Galindo Kiuchi, Revathy Carnagarin, Carl Schultz, Sharad Shetty, Natalie C Ward, Carlos Eduardo Santos, Markus P Schlaich
23 June 2023
Eyes and the heart: what a clinician should knowJing Yong Ng, Essa Zarook, Luke Nicholson, Oculi-Cordis group, Mohammed Yunus Khanji, Choudhary Anwar Ahmed Chahal, Oculi-Cordis group, C Anwar A Chahal, Clara Vazquez-Alfageme, Eleftherios Agorogiannis, Essa Zarook, Jing Yong Ng, Lim Wei Sing, Luke Nicholson, Marcela Bohn De Albuquerque AlvesSee the full list of authors
28 July 2023