Disparate worlds drawing closer together: cardiovascular biomarkers predict cancer outcomes in treatment-naïve patientsAlexander R Lyon
28 September 2015
Cardiovascular biomarkers in patients with cancer and their association with all-cause mortalityNoemi Pavo, Markus Raderer, Martin Hülsmann, Stephanie Neuhold, Christopher Adlbrecht, Guido Strunk, Georg Goliasch, Heinz Gisslinger, Günther G Steger, Michael Hejna, Wolfgang Köstler, Sabine Zöchbauer-Müller, Christine Marosi, Gabriela Kornek, Leo AuerbachSee the full list of authors
28 September 2015
Habitual chocolate consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease among healthy men and womenChun Shing Kwok, S Matthijs Boekholdt, Marleen A H Lentjes, Yoon K Loke, Robert N Luben, Jessica K Yeong, Nicholas J Wareham, Phyo K Myint, Kay-Tee Khaw
15 June 2015
Cardiovascular mortality in the UK: good news if you live in the SouthAdam Timmis
3 June 2015
The epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in the UK 2014Prachi Bhatnagar, Kremlin Wickramasinghe, Julianne Williams, Mike Rayner, Nick Townsend
3 June 2015
Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adultsYuni Choi, Yoosoo Chang, Seungho Ryu, Juhee Cho, Sanjay Rampal, Yiyi Zhang, Jiin Ahn, Joao A C Lima, Hocheol Shin, Eliseo Guallar
2 March 2015
Stress resilience and physical fitness in adolescence and risk of coronary heart disease in middle ageCecilia Bergh, Ruzan Udumyan, Katja Fall, Henrik Almroth, Scott Montgomery
4 March 2015
Aspirin use in women for primary preventionMarco M Ferrario, Giovanni Veronesi
4 December 2014
Individualised prediction of alternate-day aspirin treatment effects on the combined risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal bleeding in healthy womenRob C M van Kruijsdijk, Frank L J Visseren, Paul M Ridker, Johannes A N Dorresteijn, Julie E Buring, Yolanda van der Graaf, Nancy R Cook
4 December 2014
Obesity and sudden death: visceral response?Kyndaron Reinier, Sumeet S Chugh
10 December 2014