Cardiac masses: an integrative approach using echocardiography and other imaging modalitiesDominique Auger, Josephine Pressacco, François Marcotte, Annie Tremblay, Annie Dore, Anique Ducharme
4 June 2011
Role of real-time three dimensional echocardiography in cardiovascular interventionsWendy Tsang, Roberto M Lang, Itzhak Kronzon
21 April 2011
Significance and assessment of coronary microvascular dysfunctionDominic Y Leung, Melissa Leung
4 March 2011
Cardiac CT beyond coronary angiography: current and emerging non-coronary cardiac applicationsMilind Y Desai
4 February 2011
Current applications and limitations of coronary computed tomography angiography in stable coronary artery diseaseJoanne D Schuijf, Stephan Achenbach, Pim J de Feyter, Jeroen J Bax
22 January 2011
Non-invasive evaluation of myocardial fibrosis: implications for the clinicianDarryl P Leong, Per Lav Madsen, Joseph B Selvanayagam
18 November 2010
Two dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography: clinical applicationsHermann Blessberger, Thomas Binder
18 November 2010
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance evaluation of the patient with known or suspected coronary artery diseaseMichael Schmid, Werner G Daniel, Stephan Achenbach
13 September 2010
Use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of left ventricular function, scar and viability in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy and chronic myocardial infarctionA M Beek, A C van Rossum
2 September 2010
Echocardiography in the catheterisation laboratoryEric Brochet, Alec Vahanian
26 August 2010