Coronary artery calcium: from risk prediction to treatment allocation and clinical trialsSeamus P Whelton, Michael J Blaha
2 May 2023
Management of valve dysfunction in patients with mitral annular calcificationTill Joscha Demal, Lenard Conradi
3 May 2023
Systems of care for heart failure: bridging the divide between primary care and specialist servicesGeraint Morton, Jim Moore
5 May 2023
Role of coronary computed tomography angiography to optimise percutaneous coronary intervention outcomesFrederic Bouisset, Hirofumi Ohashi, Daniele Andreini, Carlos Collet
19 September 2023
Familial hypercholesterolaemia and emerging therapeuticsFrancisco I Farias, Samuel M Kim, Michael D Shapiro
2 May 2023
Pacing induced cardiomyopathy: recognition and managementShunmuga Sundaram Ponnusamy, Thabish Syed, Pugazhendhi Vijayaraman
29 March 2023
Computed tomographic imaging of patients with native and prosthetic aortic valve stenosisJolien Geers, Rong Bing
22 March 2023
Approach to a patient with asymptomatic pre-excitationPavel Antiperovitch, Allan Skanes, George Klein, Anthony Tang
29 March 2023
Holistic approach to drug therapy in a patient with heart failurePaul Forsyth, Janine Beezer, Joanne Bateman
10 March 2023
Common origins and shared opportunities for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease preventionSonia Henry, Georgeta Vaidean, Rahul Rege, Eugenia Gianos
27 February 2023